Free Separation Agreement

Free Separation Agreement – Is it a Good Option for You?

When a relationship comes to an end, it`s always a difficult time. The emotional stress can be overwhelming, and there are many practical matters that need to be resolved. One of the most important things that you need to take care of is the separation agreement. A separation agreement is a legal document that outlines the terms and conditions of the separation, including the division of property, child custody arrangements, and support payments.

A separation agreement is a critical document that can impact your life for years to come. It`s important to ensure that it is drafted correctly, and that all of the relevant details are included. Many people wonder whether they can save money by using a free separation agreement template, rather than hiring a lawyer to draft the agreement. The answer is, it depends.

Advantages of Using a Free Separation Agreement

The primary advantage of using a free separation agreement template is, of course, the cost. You can download a template from numerous websites without paying a penny. Furthermore, using a template can save you time due to most of the critical points being already covered.

Also, if you and your partner have reached an amicable agreement, and you both understand the legal implications of the agreement, a free separation agreement template may be all you need. It can help you quickly and easily create a document that reflects your agreement, ensuring that you both have a clear understanding of your obligations and responsibilities.

Disadvantages of Using a Free Separation Agreement

While it`s tempting to save money by using a free separation agreement template, there are some significant disadvantages of doing so. First and foremost, templates are just that- templates. They are not tailored to your specific situation, and they may not address all of the potential issues that you need to consider.

Second, free separation agreement templates may not be legally sound. Laws regarding divorce and separation vary from state to state, and there may be specific requirements that need to be met for the agreement to be legally binding. A poorly-drafted agreement can cause legal headaches down the road, leading to additional costs and stress.

Finally, it`s essential to remember that a separation agreement is a legally-binding document. If you are not comfortable with legal terminology and do not understand the implications of the agreement fully, then it`s best to seek the advice of a competent attorney.


A separation agreement is a critical document that can impact your life for years to come. While using a free separation agreement template may be a good option for couples with straightforward issues, it`s essential to understand the limitations of templates. For more complex cases, it`s best to consult a qualified attorney who can draft a comprehensive agreement that addresses all of your specific concerns.